Contract Awarded Publication


Publish Date

Name of Project (include project country):     Non-Formal Approach to Training, Education and Jobs in Afghanistan (NATEJA) Project

Project Grant No:                                            AID 10380 (Funded by Italian Government)

EOI Ref:                                                         MoLSA/NSDP/C2/A12/CQS/2018                          

Selection Method:                                           CQS

Beneficiary/Client:                                         MOLSAMD/NSDP/NATEJA

Description Service:                                       Consultancy Services of TVET Promotion in Afghanistan

Awarded Consultant

Name of  awarded Consultant               

Proposal price at opening

Final negotiated price

Pixel Production



AFN2,638,100.00 (included of all applicable Local indirect taxes)

AFN2,255,500.00 (included of all applicable Local indirect taxes)

Name of selected  Consultant(s) For Issuance of RFP

Pixal Production

Consultant(s) who submitted proposal

Name of Consultant(s)


Financial Proposal Negotiated

Pixel Production



The final negotiated and agreed contract price in AFN2,255,500.00 (included of all applicable Local indirect taxes)


MOLSA/NSDP under NATEJA Project wishes to sign a contract with (Pixel Production Reg#76866 License#l-70840) Consultancy Services of TVET Promotion in Afghanistan {FIRM} The total Value of this Contract is in AFN2,255,500.00 (included of all applicable Local indirect taxes). Any objection on the award of this contract to the above named firm should be submit in writing via the e mail provided below within 14 days from the date of this notice to the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, (MoLSA), Procurement Directorate In front of the first Macroryan Market Kabul Afghanistan, E mail:  or

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سه‌شنبه ۱۴۰۱/۸/۳ - ۱۴:۳۴
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اطلاعیه تصمیم اعطای قرارداد


بدین وسیله به تاسی از فقره (2) ماده چهل و سوم قانون تدارکات به اطلاع عموم رسانیده میشود، وزارت کار و امور اجتماعی در نظر دارد، قرارداد پروژه تهیه و تدارک رنگباب پرنترهای . . .

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