
Publish Date

Contract Ref. No.: MoLSA/NSDP/C2/A12/CQS/2018                                

Project Code AFG/470212

Fund Code:  4095



Under the Project

Non-Formal Approach to Training, Education and Jobs in Afghanistan (NATEJA) AID10380


The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan has received financing from the Italian Government and administered by IADC to support implementation of the Non-Formal Approach to Training, Education and Jobs in Afghanistan (NATEJA) AID 10380 project, and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.


Scope of Services


The purpose of the assignment is to carry out awareness, promotion, marketing and advocacy about the importance of TVET and job opportunities it offers in the labour market. In addition, this assignment should be developed in a manner to encourage the enrollment in TVET programmes. It should also target the various potential audiences such as youths, jobseekers, employers as well as policy makers and legislators.


The NATEJA AID10380/ NSDP can provide support to the firm in terms of providing different research documents in TVET to help identify the issues for low appreciation of TVET among the public. Through this assignment, it should be tried to change the existing negative perception about TVET that TVET caters for less fortunate or less intelligent students who do not qualify for university studies. The firm is expected to develop the following promotion materials (i.e. text, audio and video) in national languages, in light of the issues identified in the study of TVET literature. The firm can also conduct interview with relevant stakeholders for better understanding about the low appreciation of TVET in Afghanistan.


The firm is supposed to create a short, striking and memorable phrase used in awareness marketing (Slogan) in national languages to pinpoint the key message reflecting the constructive role of TVET contribution in socio-economic development. This slogan can be used as jingle that can be shown and aired in popular TV and Radio programs.


The selected firm should develop attractive material to be used in leaflet as well as billboards. Those leaflets will be distributed in different youth gatherings as well as in general educational schools and etc. while the billboards will be exhibited in the major cross roads and other attractive locations around the main cities across the country. Worth mentioning that the renting of these billboards are expensive and quality massages should be conveyed through them.


Using success stories of individuals whose lives improved through TVET, offers significant showcases for highlighting the paramount importance of vocational training and can be utilized for this purpose. Audio and video clips and short dramas (پارچه های تمثیلی) should be developed to target illiterate and semi-literate men and women to come forward and seek vocational training opportunities in their cities. These clips will be broadcasted through different media outlets. Preparing interview clips with reputed religious scholars, social entrepreneurs, famous artists and politicians can also be considered for TVET promotion.


The criteria for short listing of consulting firms shall be as follow:

  1. The firm should be in a professional business/registered for at least the last 3 years (Registration/License Required) ;
  2.  The firm should have experience in executing at least one relevant consultancy service assignments with each assignment of est. value of 2,350,000.00AFN (Clear Copy of contracts required) ;
  3.  The firm shall be financially sound with an annual turnover of equal to 1,000,000.00AFN within any of the last Five years, supported by Audit Report/Bank Statement/Annual tax returns. (At least one supporting document is required);
  4. Management structure of the firm for the assignment supported by organogram;
  5.  List of projects including details of the project and of the clients served within the last Five years, along with full details of valid reference from a client including copies of one completed contract;

Note: All interested firms are required to submit their full company’s profile and tax clearance decrements (Maktoob Ezharnama or quarterly tax payment forms for last year) as part of their Expression of Interest applications.


***Expression of Interested Application submitted without the required Documentations could be rejected. ***



Duration of assignment of 3 months

A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Selection Based on Consultants’ Qualifications (CQS) method mentioned in the World Bank Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers - July 2016.

Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address given below from 8:00am to 12:30pm, Saturday through Thursday. Request for detailed TOR or any technical clarification can be made by contacting Mr.  Muhammad Naeem Turabi via E-mail:


Expressions of Interest are to be submitted to the following address by 28/12/2019 and well before close of business hours (1300 Hours), Kabul Time.


Please note that the applications received after the closing date and/or failure to submit full company’s profile along with the required documentations will not be given consideration. Only those Consultants whose applications correspond to the above criteria and requirements will be considered for short listing.

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سه‌شنبه ۱۴۰۱/۸/۳ - ۱۴:۳۴
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اطلاعیه تصمیم اعطای قرارداد


بدین وسیله به تاسی از فقره (2) ماده چهل و سوم قانون تدارکات به اطلاع عموم رسانیده میشود، وزارت کار و امور اجتماعی در نظر دارد، قرارداد پروژه تهیه و تدارک رنگباب پرنترهای . . .

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